“Groove之王”J.Y. Park11月21日发表全新单曲 “Groove Missing”及主打曲“Groove Back”!
- 单曲“Groove Missing”,在全世界五大城市展开的大规模Dance派对&歌迷们的关注下确定发表!
- “Groove之王”朴振荣,重新找回跳舞的感觉“Groove Back”!以80年代美国街舞曲风”Come Back”!
- 主打曲“Groove Back”, 大韩民国顶级Groove艺人JYP和Gaeko!中毒性超强的节奏+魅力
- 为世界各地歌迷们送去无比尽兴的宣传活动!“永恒的艺人”朴振荣,以街舞挑战形式为地球村送去无比的快乐!
“不忘初心!‘人间Groove之王’J. Y. Park 归来!”
11月21日,朴振荣将发表全新单曲“Groove Missing”及主打曲“Groove Back”
2020年8月朴振荣以一曲Retro劲舞风单曲“When We Disco”(与善美Duet)掀起一股Disco浪潮后,时隔两年再一次发表新单曲“Groove Missing”
这一次单曲也是一如既往倾注了朴振荣对音乐的热爱与钟情。至始至终追求最好音乐和舞台风貌的朴振荣为国内外歌迷带来了精品礼物。一开始“Groove Back”打算只用于街舞挑战,但是在全球K-Pop歌迷们的高度关注下确定正是发表单曲。Super Junior成员神童,JYP的宠儿善美,韩亚航空职员们共同参与的“Groove Back”快闪短版群舞和在韩国首尔,西班牙巴塞罗那,泰国曼谷,巴西圣保罗,美国洛杉矶共五个地区展开的扩张版“JYP WORLD RPD(Random Play Dance)TOUR2022中提前公开的新曲以超强的中毒性节奏和吸引眼球的魅力舞姿得到了全世界歌迷们的高度关注。之后,陆续得到发表单曲的邀请,于11月18日朴振荣的“Groove Back”音乐电视提前公开,21日将正式发表单曲。
主打曲“Groove Back”是在朴振荣想回到自己开始跳舞的高中时代,重新找回那时的感觉而诞生的。
负责作词作曲编曲的朴振荣采用了慢节奏中融合各种乐器的节奏感,充分展现了80年代美国街舞劲歌的精髓。从主打曲曲名和单曲“Groove Missing”可知,其歌词传递着积极肯定的信息‘音乐,舞蹈和我们的生活都需要找回以往的从容和深度’。
走遍世界各地带动男女老少一同享受快乐的独特新颖的宣传模式,将为“Living传奇”朴振荣留下崭新足迹的新曲“Groove Back”,真爱音乐,舞蹈,Groove的众多真粉拭目以待。
1. Groove Back (Feat. 개코) *Title
Lyrics by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 개코
Composed by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”
Arranged by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 이해솔
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 아메바컬쳐(Amoeba Culture)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Universal Music Korea
Sessions All Instruments by J.Y. Park "The Asiansoul", 이해솔
Guitar by 이해솔
Vocal Recorded by 이해솔 at Quincy Jones Studio at JYP Entertainment
Rap Recorded by Gaeko at Gaejaksil
Digital Editing by 엄세희, 이상엽 at JYP Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati and David K. Younghyun at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mastered by Chris Gehringer at Sterling Sound, Edgewater
“伝説のグルーヴ”J.Y.Park、11月21日にニューシングル「Groove Missing」、タイトル曲「Groove Back」をリリース!
- ニューシングル「Groove Missing」、世界5都市で大規模なダンスパーティーを開催、ファンから絶大な支持を得てリリース決定! 暮らしにゆとりを取り戻すためのエキサイティングなパーティー!
- “grooveそのもの”の J.Y.Park、初めて踊ったあの日に戻る「Groove Back」! 80年代アメリカのアーバンダンスソングへ“Come Back”!
- タイトル曲「Groove Back」、韓国最高のグルーヴアーティストJYPとGaekoのシナジー! やみつきになるメロディー + じわじわくる魅力
- 世界津々浦々、すべての世代の興奮を呼び覚ましたプロモーション! “永遠のエンターテイナー”J.Y. Park、ダンスチャレンジで、世界中に愉快さをプレゼント!
“初心の感覚のまま! ‘人間グルーヴ’ J.Y.Park、彼の帰還!”
J.Y. Parkが11月21日、ニューシングル「Groove Missing」(グルーヴミッシング)とタイトル曲「Groove Back」(グルーヴバック)をリリースする。
J.Y. Parkは、2020年8月に音楽業界にレトロディスコブームを巻き起こしたシングル「When We Disco (Duet with Sunmi)」((ウェン・ウィ・ディスコ(デュエットウィズ・ソンミ))に続く、約2年ぶりのニューデジタルシングル、「Groove Missing」をリリースする。
今回の新曲は、常に最高の音楽とパフォーマンスで国内外の音楽ファンを喜ばせてきた“永遠のエンターテイナー”、J.Y. Parkの情熱と愛情がつまった、盛りだくさんのプレゼントだ。当初、「Groove Back」はダンスチャレンジの音楽としてのみ使用される予定だったが、国内外の多数のK-POPファンの熱い声援に後押しされ、リリースが決定した。同曲はSuper Juniorのシンドン、JYPの“愛弟子”Sunmi、アシアナ航空の社員と共に踊るショートフォームダンスコンテンツ「Groove Back」、そして韓国・ソウル、スペイン・バルセロナ、タイ・バンコク、ブラジル・サンパウロ、米国・ロサンゼルスの5都市で行われたチャレンジの拡張版「JYP WORLD RPD(Random Play Dance) TOUR 2022」で先行公開された新曲である。やみつきになるメロディーと、じわっと味わいのある振付で世界の音楽ファンを一気に魅了した。それ以来、この曲のリリースを望む声が殺到し、J.Y. Parkはこれに情熱的に応え、11月18日に「Groove Back」のミュージックビデオを先行公開し、21日にシングルアルバムをリリースすることを発表した。
タイトル曲の「Groove Back」は、J.Y. Parkがダンスを本格的に始めた高校時代に戻り、もう一度その当時のダンスを踊ってみたいという思いから始まり完成した曲。作詞、作曲、編曲を担当したJ.Y. Parkは、スローテンポの中でさまざまな楽器のグルーヴを引き出し、1980年代のアメリカのアーバンダンスソングの神髄を見せている。タイトル曲名と新譜名の「Groove Missing」からも見て取れるように、歌詞には音楽とダンス、そして人生全般において、ゆとりと深みを取り戻そうというポジティブなメッセージが込められている。また、韓国最高のグルーヴラッパーであるDynamic DuoのGaekoが加わったことで聴きごたえが増し、最高のシナジーを生み出す2人のアーティストがリスナーに“ベテランシェフのコース料理”音楽で、もてなしをする形となっている。
新曲のミュージックビデオは、振付の一挙手一投足が生き生きとした躍動感に溢れている。エキサイティングな群舞シーンはもちろんのこと、音楽を通じて世界中の人々が一つになり、皆が一緒に楽しんでほしいというJ.Y. Parkの願いが込められている。
世界津々浦々を渡り歩き、老若男女すべての興奮を呼び覚ました斬新なプロモーションに続き、“生きた伝説”J.Y. Parkの新たな足跡となるであろう新曲「Groove Back」のリリースに、歌とダンスとグルーヴを心から愛する音楽ファンらは多大な関心を寄せている。
1. Groove Back (Feat. 개코) *Title
Lyrics by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 개코
Composed by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”
Arranged by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 이해솔
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 아메바컬쳐(Amoeba Culture)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Universal Music Korea
Sessions All Instruments by J.Y. Park "The Asiansoul", 이해솔
Guitar by 이해솔
Vocal Recorded by 이해솔 at Quincy Jones Studio at JYP Entertainment
Rap Recorded by Gaeko at Gaejaksil
Digital Editing by 엄세희, 이상엽 at JYP Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati and David K. Younghyun at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mastered by Chris Gehringer at Sterling Sound, Edgewater
The ‘Legend of Groove’, J.Y. Park, releases new single, ‘Groove Missing’, and title song, ‘Groove Back’, on November 21!
- The new single, ‘Groove Missing’, has been confirmed to be released after it caused a huge dance party in 5 cities around the world and received great support from the fans! An exciting party to reclaim leisure that has been lost in life!
- J.Y. Park is ‘groove itself’ and ‘Groove Back’ returns to the days he first danced! ‘Come back’ to the American urban dance songs of the 80’s!
- The title song, 'Groove Back', shows the synergy of Korea’s greatest groove artist JYP and Gaeko! Addictive melody + Tasty charm
- A promotion that scintillated excitement for all generations around the world! The ‘eternal entertainer’ J.Y. Park presents joy to the world with a dance challenge!
"Just like the beginning! The ‘human groove’ J.Y. Park is back!"
J.Y. Park will release a new single, ‘Groove Missing’, and title song, ‘Groove Back’ on November 21.
The new digital single, ‘Groove Missing’, follows the previous one, ‘When We Disco (Duet with Sunmi)’ which was released about 2 years ago and caused a retro disco boom in the music industry in August 2020.
This new song is a meaningful gift that holds the passion and affection of the ‘eternal entertainer’ J.Y. Park who always delighted music fans at home and abroad with the best music and performances. Initially, 'Groove Back' was only planned to be used as music for the dance challenge, but release of the song was decided due to the enthusiastic support of domestic and foreign K-pop fans. The song was pre-released through the ‘Groove Back’ short form dance contents with Super Junior’s Shindong, JYP’s ‘adored student’ Sunmi and the employees of Asiana Airlines and the challenge extended version ‘JYP WORLD RPD (Random Play Dance) TOUR 2022’ which was held in 5 regions including Seoul, Korea; Barcelona, Spain; Bangkok, Thailand; San Paulo, Brazil; and Los Angeles, USA and captured immediate attention of music fans around the world for its addictive melody and ‘tasty’ choreography. Since then, there was a flood of requests for release of the song and J.Y. Park passionately responded by announcing a pre-release of the music video of ‘Groove Back’ on November 18 and the release of a single album on the 21st.
The title song, 'Groove Back', started with the thought of J.Y. Park wanting to return to high school to the days he started dancing and dance to the choreographies of that time again. He wrote the lyrics, composed the music and did the arrangement. He brought out the groove of the various instruments amidst a slow tempo and presented the epitome of American dance songs of the 80’s. As you can presume from the titles of the title song and the single, 'Groove Missing', the lyrics carry a positive message to restore leisure and depth in music, dance and life in general. Listening pleasure was enhanced with the featuring of Korea’s greatest groove rapper, Gaeko of Dynamic Duo and with optimum synergy created by the two artists, they treat the listeners to a ‘veteran chef’s course meal’.
The music video of the new song is full of liveliness as each move of the choreography is alive. It has exciting group dance scenes and shows J.Y. Park’s desires for everyone around the world to become one and be happy through music.
Following the invigorating promotion which aroused excitement for people of all ages and genders around the world, the new song, ‘Groove Back’, is expected to leave a new footprint for the ‘living legend’ J.Y. Park and much attention is focused on it by music fans who truly love songs, dance and groove.
1. Groove Back (Feat. 개코) *Title
Lyrics by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 개코
Composed by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”
Arranged by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 이해솔
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 아메바컬쳐(Amoeba Culture)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Universal Music Korea
Sessions All Instruments by J.Y. Park "The Asiansoul", 이해솔
Guitar by 이해솔
Vocal Recorded by 이해솔 at Quincy Jones Studio at JYP Entertainment
Rap Recorded by Gaeko at Gaejaksil
Digital Editing by 엄세희, 이상엽 at JYP Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati and David K. Younghyun at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mastered by Chris Gehringer at Sterling Sound, Edgewater
'레전드 그루브' J.Y. Park, 11월 21일 새 싱글 'Groove Missing' 및 타이틀곡 'Groove Back' 발매!
- 새 싱글 'Groove Missing', 대규모 춤판 벌인 전 세계 5개 도시 & 가요팬 성원에 발표 확정! 잃어버린 삶의 여유 되찾기 위한 흥 파티!
- '그루브 그 자체' 박진영, 처음 춤추던 그때로 돌아가 'Groove Back'! 80년대 미국 어반 댄스곡으로 'Come Back'!
- 타이틀곡 'Groove Back', 대한민국 최고 그루브 아티스트 JYP X 개코 시너지! 중독성 강한 멜로디 + 쫄깃 매력
- 세계 방방곡곡 모든 세대 아우르며 흥 터트린 프로모션! '영원한 딴따라' 박진영, 댄스 챌린지로 지구촌에 즐거움 선사!
"처음 느낌 그대로! '인간 그루브' J.Y. Park 그가 돌아왔다!"
박진영이 11월 21일 새 싱글 'Groove Missing'(그루브 미씽) 및 타이틀곡 'Groove Back'(그루브 백)을 발매한다.
박진영은 2020년 8월 가요계 레트로 디스코 붐을 일으킨 싱글 'When We Disco (Duet with 선미)'(웬 위 디스코 (듀엣 위드 선미)) 이후 약 2년 만에 새로운 디지털 싱글 'Groove Missing'을 발표한다.
이번 신곡은 언제나 최고의 음악과 퍼포먼스를 선보이며 국내외 가요팬들을 기쁘게 한 '영원한 딴따라' 박진영의 열정과 애정이 녹아든 알찬 선물이다. 당초 'Groove Back'은 댄스 챌린지 음악으로만 활용 예정이었으나, 국내외 수많은 K팝 팬들의 뜨거운 성원에 힘입어 음원 발매를 확정한 것. 슈퍼주니어 신동, '애제자' 선미, 아시아나항공 직원들과 함께한 'Groove Back' 숏폼 댄스 콘텐츠와 대한민국 서울, 스페인 바르셀로나, 태국 방콕, 브라질 상파울루, 미국 로스앤젤레스까지 총 5개 지역에서 진행된 챌린지 확장판 'JYP WORLD RPD(Random Play Dance) TOUR 2022'에서 선공개된 신곡은 중독성 강한 멜로디 위 쫄깃한 안무가 더해져 전 세계 가요팬들의 이목을 단번에 사로잡았다. 이후 음원 발매 요청이 쇄도했고 박진영은 11월 18일 'Groove Back' 뮤직비디오 선공개, 21일 싱글 발표로 열렬한 반응에 화답한다.
타이틀곡 'Groove Back'은 박진영이 춤을 본격적으로 추기 시작했던 고등학교 시절로 돌아가 그때의 춤을 다시 추고 싶다는 생각에서 출발해 완성됐다. 작사, 작곡, 편곡을 맡은 박진영은 느린 템포 속 각종 악기들의 그루브를 살렸고 80년대 미국 어반 댄스곡의 정수를 보여준다. 타이틀곡명과 신보명 'Groove Missing'에서 알 수 있듯이 가사에는 음악, 춤 그리고 우리의 삶 전체에서 여유와 깊이를 회복하자는 긍정적 메시지를 담았다. 한국 최고 그루브 래퍼 다이나믹 듀오 개코가 피처링하며 듣는 재미를 한층 높였고, 최상의 시너지를 낸 두 아티스트가 리스너들에게 "베테랑 Chef의 코스요리" 음악을 대접한다.
신곡 뮤비에는 안무 동작 하나하나의 느낌이 살아있어 넘치는 생동감을 드러내고 짜릿한 군무 장면은 물론 음악을 통해 지구촌 사람들이 하나가 되어 다 함께 즐거움을 느끼길 바라는 박진영의 마음이 담겼다.
세계 방방곡곡을 누비며 남녀노소 모든 이들의 흥을 일깨운 신선한 프로모션에 이어 '리빙 레전드' 박진영의 새로운 발자취를 남길 신곡 'Groove Back' 활동에 진정으로 노래, 춤, 그루브를 사랑하는 음악 팬들의 이목이 모인다.
1. Groove Back (Feat. 개코) *Title
Lyrics by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 개코
Composed by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”
Arranged by J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul”, 이해솔
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 아메바컬쳐(Amoeba Culture)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Universal Music Korea
Sessions All Instruments by J.Y. Park "The Asiansoul", 이해솔
Guitar by 이해솔
Vocal Recorded by 이해솔 at Quincy Jones Studio at JYP Entertainment
Rap Recorded by Gaeko at Gaejaksil
Digital Editing by 엄세희, 이상엽 at JYP Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati and David K. Younghyun at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mastered by Chris Gehringer at Sterling Sound, Edgewater